Did you know that Cincinnati has 351 parks?
- 16% of Cincinnati city Land is used for parks and recreation.
- The national median is 15%.
- Cincinnati ranked number eight in the 2022 ParkScore.
How does the Cincinnati ParkScore rating work, or how is it calculated?
- The analysis is based on five characteristics of an effective park system: access, investment, acreage, amenities, and equity.
- Cities can earn a maximum ParkScore of 100 points, calculated as an average of their points for each of the five categories. In evaluating park systems, they include all publicly accessible land within the hundred most populous US cities that functions as a park.
- They are for sure working to ensure there’s a park within a 10-minute walk of the home of every person, in every neighborhood, in every city across America.
Is Cincinnati meeting that goal?
- 87% of residents live within a 10-minute walk of a park. The national average is 55%.
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